
Hello. Welcome to my jenky online diary :)

See Diary

A Couple Pics! :)

A Quote:

“Your emotions are important, all of them. There’s nothing we “shouldn’t” feel! And there is no such thing as a “negative” emotion. Every emotion is valid. Anger is not a negative emotion, it’s a valid emotion. Rage is valid. Guilt is valid. We don’t want to judge these emotions and tell them they’re bad and have to go away. They’re there for a reason. They’re a part of the basic makeup of who we are, and they’re a part of nature’s perfect design. I also love the way that the Human Design system describes emotions as a kind of navigation system designed to give us feedback about where we are on our path. This system nudges us along from that which is unhealthy and toward that which is healthy and appropriate for us. We lose this guidance system when our emotions are judged, avoided, and repressed.”

-Eileen Day McKusick, Electric Body, Electric Health